Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Analyzing Bleed by Meshuggah

Welcome brave drummers! If you've ever thought to yourself, "man I wish I could play Bleed", then this is the place to be! At first glance this song will seem incredibly technical and possibly extremely difficult, but I assure you it will be time well spent.

Plus, here is the breakdown of the whole song, just for you!

Pattern 1:


The Feet:
The first pattern begins with two 32nd notes coming in every 3rd 16th note on the double bass. Although this pattern may take time to build up speed and endurance, once this pattern is locked in, it usually somewhat easy to maintain. 

The Hands:
The right hand is playing 8th notes on the crash/hi-hat while accenting the down beat. The left hand is hitting the snare on 3 while feathering in ghost notes here and there or perhaps a stick twirl. 

Pattern 2:


The Feet:
The second pattern for the feet is now two 32nd notes coming in every 5th 16th note on the double bass. This pattern is fairly similar to pattern 1 and will also not be a huge mental stress once achieved.

The Hands:
The right hand is playing 8th notes on the hi-hat while accenting the down beat. The left hand is hitting the snare on 3 while feathering in ghost notes here and there or perhaps a stick twirl. 

Pattern 3:


The Feet:
The third pattern is bit trickier, it is actually a combination of patterns 1 and 2. The segment is 8 measures total with the first 2 measures being pattern 1, the next 3 measures pattern 2, 1 measure pattern 1, and last 4 measures pattern 2. Now, at first glance this seems like an incredibly random pattern, but I have a few suggestions to make this process easier. First off, sit back and listen, really listen to everything that's going on. Try and grasp the flow of the piece by singing it to yourself and you should start to see how the drums compliment the musical flow.

The Hands:
The right hand is playing 8th notes on the crash while accenting the down beat. The left hand is hitting the snare on 3 while feathering in ghost notes here and there or perhaps a stick twirl. 

Pattern 4:


The Feet:
This pattern is very similar to pattern 1 in that the double bass plays two 32nd notes every 3rd 16th note, however this time the bass drum is not continuous. 

The Hands:
The right hand is still playing 8th notes on the crash, however this time the hits are not accented in any particular way. The left hand is playing the snares every 3rd 16th note starting on the "e" of the first measure. 

Pattern 5:


The Feet:
This pattern is 5 and half beats (quarter notes) long, though still not a very difficult beat once the pattern gets locked in. This another one of those patterns that requires a little bit of listening to really feel the groove.

The Hands:
The right hand is playing the accents with the rest of the band between a few different cymbals. The left hand is playing a bit of ghost notes, but I found the ghost notes came very naturally and actually helped me with the beat overall.

Special Note:

In the middle of this strange funky pattern, there is this weird addition of 32nd notes that makes one of the patterns in the chain feel slightly longer. There is a tad more "Umph" so to speak. Fear not! I found that all you have to do is add the extra 32nd notes and hit the first crash with the left hand and the second crash with the right hand. It should feel somewhat naturally to place your left hand first as it is placed where a ghost note normally would. (You can see this in the video at: 2:10)

Pattern 6:


The Feet:
This is the pattern that separates the men from the boys. If you're not used to good foot control, then you're in for one hell of a treat! This patterns features 5 different injections of 32nd notes spaced in different intervals as follows:

(Blip = two-32nd notes instead of 16th note)

6 16th notes
6 16th notes
4 16th notes
2 16th notes
4 16th notes

Notice how the spacing of 16th notes in between is always even. This is very important because it means your left foot will never have to lead on one of the blips! Practice this pattern very slow at first, the most frustrating part is feeling like the pattern is never the same. It can be very difficult to split your brain into keeping track of the 4/4 feel with your hands on top while focusing in on your feet. For this reason I suggest playing only the feet until you feel the pattern is comfortable.

The Hands:

The hands have it pretty easy here: The right hand is playing 8th notes on the crash accenting on the downbeats, then it switches to a closed hi-hat with accents still on the downbeat. The left hand is just playing the 3, but feel free to add in ghost notes if it helps, or if you just wanna feel cool!

Pattern 7:


The Feet:

I found this next pattern to be much simpler than most, so if you've made it this far, pat yourself and the back and consider this your reward: This pattern 5 quarter notes long, with 2 "blips" in the first beat, and 3 "blips" in the 3 and 4 beat. This music will be able to reveal this pattern more clearly below.

The Hands:

The right hand is basically just playing quarter notes. The exception is if you prefer to hit all of the crashes with the right hand, then you may play a few extra notes. However, if not, then the left hand will take over the crashes as well as keeping the snare on 3.

Pattern 8:


The Feet:

This is my favorite groove in the song! And thankfully, once again it is not a very complicated pattern! The "blips" are phrased in groupings of either "1" or "3" (it'll make sense when you see the music). The pattern is as follows:
1 3
1 3
1 3 3
1 3
1 3 3
1 3
1 3 3
1 3

The Hands:

The right hand is on a crash or china playing 8th notes with accents on the down beat. The left hand is playing the 3 with occasional ghost notes.

Pattern 9:


The Feet:

This pattern is conceptually easy, but is a bit of a challenge coordination wise. The "blips" alternate in groups of 3 then 4, however there are two "6"s thrown in there. The 6's are a bit random but if you've heard the song a few times you may already have it subconsciously memorized.

The Hands:

The right hand is playing 8th notes on the hi-hat with accents on the down beat. The left hand is playing the 3 with ghost notes as you please.

Pattern 10:


The Feet:

This is the same as pattern 6 except it starts the pattern on the 2nd 6 in the sequence. Thus producing:

(Blip = two-32nd notes instead of 16th note)

6 16th notes
4 16th notes
2 16th notes
4 16th notes
6 16th notes

The Hands:

The right hand is playing 8th notes on the crash with accents on the downbeat. The left hand is playing the snare on 3 and is crashing on the first beat of every other measure.

Pattern 11:


The Feet:
This pattern is very similar to pattern 4 (which is also similar to pattern 1) in that the double bass plays two 32nd notes every 3rd 16th note, however this time the bass drum is not continuous. 

The Hands:
The right hand is still playing 8th notes on the crash, however this time the hits are not accented in any particular way. The left hand is playing the snares every 3rd 16th note starting on the "e" of the first measure. There are also more crashes in this segment that the left hand can help out with.

And that's it! Congratulations! If you make it through all of this you will be so happy you pushed yourself to do it. It can be incredibly frustrating at times but it leads to developing skills you never knew you had!

Enjoy this video play through: