Monday, December 10, 2012

San Diego Private Rich Redmond Clinic!

This last weekend I was grateful to help out my current teacher, Simon DasGupta from San Diego Drum Lessons host a private clinic for a young musicians band, BoomBap! The clinic we held featured the rock and roll country drummer Rich Redmond who currently plays for Jason Aldean. Rich put up an awesome speech from his own motivational philosophy: C.R.A.S.H. Which stands for Commitment, Relationships, Attitude, Skill, and Hunger. His explanations about playing from the heart were very present in his playing and were extremely inspiring.

Rich was very clear about drummers and musicians in general who want to make a living out of it have to work extremely hard. Furthermore, he suggested that all musicians know how to read well, be on your toes all the time, and keep striving to better your playing.

For any of those who are interested in this and want further details, feel free to visit Rich Redmond at his site:

Rich Redmond and John Kirkpatrick

-San Diego Modern Drum Lessons